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Capture the Most Instagrammable Places in London

London is full of great places for photos. From famous landmarks to hidden spots, there’s something for everyone. Here are some of the best places in London for Instagram pictures.


Greenwich is not as crowded as other parts of London, but it has lots of beautiful spots. The Old Royal Naval College is my favorite. It sits by the Thames River and has been in movies like “Les Miserables” and “Skyfall.”

Go early to avoid crowds, especially before The Painted Hall opens. The view from Greenwich Park overlooking the city is also stunning, perfect for capturing the skyline.

Another great spot is Neal’s Yard in Covent Garden, known for its colorful buildings and vibrant atmosphere. Make sure to visit during the day to get the best lighting for your photos.

Warner Bros. Studio

Warner Bros. Studio

The Warner Bros. Studio Tour is a must for Harry Potter fans. You can see sets and props from the movies. Great photo spots include the Hogwarts Express and Diagon Alley. Make sure to buy your tickets in advance because it’s very popular.

Another popular spot for Harry Potter fans is Platform 9 ¾ at King’s Cross Station, where you can take a photo pushing a trolley through the wall. Don’t forget to also visit the gift shop for some magical souvenirs to take home with you.

Red Phone Booths

Red phone booths are a classic symbol of London. There are still many around the city, even though their numbers are going down. The best spot for a photo is near Westminster Tube station where you can get Big Ben in the background.

Be ready to wait, as many people want this shot. Don’t forget to bring some British coins with you, as some phone booths still require payment to use.

Additionally, keep in mind that some phone booths have been converted into mini libraries or art installations, so be on the lookout for unique finds.

Big Ben

photo of the Big Ben in London

Big Ben is always a great photo spot. Walk across Westminster Bridge and go down to the riverside on the south side of the river.

Turn right and keep walking until you see an arch that frames the Elizabeth Tower perfectly. Go early to avoid the crowds. Remember to be respectful of others trying to take photos and wait your turn if necessary.

Additionally, consider visiting at different times of the day for unique lighting and atmosphere.

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Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge is another must-visit spot. Walk across the bridge to see its architecture up close. For a great photo, walk a bit along the river or take a river cruise that goes under the bridge. Check the bridge lift times on the official website to see it open.

You can also visit the Tower Bridge Exhibition to learn about the history of the bridge and enjoy panoramic views from the high-level walkways.

Consider timing your visit during sunset for stunning views of the bridge illuminated against the sky.

Hampstead Hill Garden and Pergola

photo of Hampstead Hill Garden and Pergola in London

Hampstead Hill Garden and Pergola is a quiet and beautiful spot in London. It’s not as busy as Hyde Park or St James’s Park. Summer is a great time to visit for reading and picnics among the flowers and historic architecture.

There are no crowds, making it easy to take photos. The pergola offers a unique backdrop for photoshoots or simply relaxing in a serene environment. The garden’s elevated position also provides stunning views of the surrounding area, making it a hidden gem in London worth exploring.


Chinatown is near Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus. It’s a great place for dinner, with many restaurants open until midnight. The main gate on Wardour Street is the best spot for photos. Visit before 10:00 AM for fewer people, but the area is lively at night too.

The vibrant atmosphere in Chinatown is enhanced by the traditional red lanterns that line the streets. Don’t miss out on trying some authentic Chinese cuisine while you’re there!

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Reflection Garden

Photo of Reflection Garden in London

The Reflection Garden at 25 Cannon Street is a peaceful spot to relax. You can see St Paul’s Cathedral reflected in the pool. This place is quieter on weekends because the financial district is closed. It’s a great place for a photo of the cathedral.

The garden is a hidden gem in the bustling city, offering a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle. Take a moment to unwind and enjoy the serenity of this beautiful oasis in the heart of London.

Neal’s Yard

Neal’s Yard is a colorful courtyard near Covent Garden. It’s a bit hard to find, with entrances off Monmouth Street and Short’s Gardens. Go early in the morning for breakfast and to take pictures without many people around.

Regent Street and Oxford Street

Photo of nightime at Regent Street and Oxford Street

Regent Street and Oxford Street are famous for shopping. There are many big stores like Selfridges and Liberty. The streets are often decorated for national events and holidays. The Christmas lights are especially beautiful. These streets are always busy, so plan your visit.

London Eye

The London Eye offers amazing views of the city. But the Eye itself is also a great photo subject. The best view is from across the Thames, between the Royal Airforce Memorial and the Battle of Britain Monument. It’s usually not crowded here, so you can easily get a good shot.

The London Eye is a popular tourist attraction, so it’s best to book tickets in advance to avoid long lines. The ride lasts about 30 minutes, giving you plenty of time to take in the sights.

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Camden Market

photo of a busy day at Camden Market, London

Camden Market is full of colorful spots, like the ceiling of umbrellas. It’s near the food stalls and shopping area, close to the Amy Winehouse statue. The market is often crowded, so go early to take your time with photos.

The vibrant atmosphere of Camden Market makes it a great place to capture unique shots. Don’t forget to explore the nearby street art and quirky shops for more photo opportunities.

Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum has a stunning interior. The Victorian architecture, with its carved columns and painted ceilings, is very impressive. The main hall’s staircases and balconies offer great photo angles.

This museum is a must-visit for beautiful pictures. Don’t miss the chance to capture the iconic dinosaur skeleton in the main hall. The museum’s exhibits and displays provide endless inspiration for photography enthusiasts.

St Paul’s Cathedral

epic photo of St Paul’s Cathedral in London

Behind St Paul’s Cathedral, there’s a place called One New Change. Walk towards the center, near the elevators, to get a perfect view of the cathedral framed by modern buildings. The City of London has many unique buildings, so spend some time exploring for more great shots.

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These are some of the best places in London for Instagram photos. Each spot has its own charm and offers something special for your pictures. Enjoy exploring and capturing the beauty of London!

10 tips to help you create amazing Instagram photos

Creating great Instagram photos is all about finding the right combination of composition, lighting, and editing. Here are 10 tips to help you create amazing Instagram photos:

1. Use Natural Light

Natural light is the best for photography. Try to take photos during the golden hours—early morning or late afternoon. Avoid harsh midday sun as it can create strong shadows.

2. Find Interesting Angles

Experiment with different angles to make your photos stand out. Don’t just take pictures at eye level. Try shooting from above, below, or from the side to add depth and interest.

3. Keep the Background Simple

A cluttered background can distract from the main subject of your photo. Choose a clean, simple background that complements your subject without overpowering it.

4. Use the Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a basic photography principle that can help you create balanced and interesting shots. Imagine your frame divided into nine equal parts with two horizontal and two vertical lines. Place your subject along these lines or at their intersections.

5. Edit Your Photos

Editing can enhance your photos and make them look more professional. Use apps like Lightroom, VSCO, or Snapseed to adjust brightness, contrast, and colors. Be careful not to over-edit and make your photos look unnatural.

6. Tell a Story

A good photo should tell a story or evoke an emotion. Think about what you want to convey through your photo and how you can capture that feeling or narrative.

7. Focus on Details

Sometimes, close-up shots of details can be more interesting than wide shots. Focus on interesting textures, patterns, or small elements that add character to your photo.

8. Use Leading Lines

Leading lines are natural lines in your photo that guide the viewer’s eye towards the main subject. These can be roads, fences, or any linear elements that draw attention to the focus of your image.

9. Add a Human Element

Adding a person to your photo can make it more relatable and engaging. It also helps to provide a sense of scale and context to your shot.

10. Keep It Authentic

Authenticity resonates well with audiences. Instead of staging everything perfectly, capture candid moments and real-life situations. Authentic photos often feel more genuine and relatable.

By following these tips, you can create Instagram photos that are visually appealing, engaging, and unique. Happy shooting!

FAQ: Capture the Most Instagrammable Places in London

What is the best time to take photos in London?

The best time to take photos is during the golden hours—early morning or late afternoon. This provides soft, natural light that enhances your photos.

Are there any quiet Instagrammable spots in London?

Yes, places like Hampstead Hill Garden and Pergola, and the Reflection Garden at 25 Cannon Street, are quieter compared to more famous landmarks.

How can I avoid crowds at popular spots?

Visit popular spots early in the morning, preferably before 10:00 AM. This is when you’ll find fewer people and better opportunities for clean shots.

Do I need permission to take photos at these locations?

Generally, you do not need permission to take photos in public spaces. However, always check for any specific rules or restrictions, especially in private areas or museums.

What’s the best way to find unique angles for my photos?

Experiment with different perspectives—shoot from above, below, or the sides. Use the rule of thirds and look for leading lines to create balanced and interesting compositions.

Can I use my smartphone for these photos, or do I need a professional camera?

You can definitely use your smartphone. Modern smartphones have excellent cameras and can produce high-quality photos. Just ensure good lighting and steady hands.

How do I edit my Instagram photos to look professional?

Use photo editing apps like Lightroom, VSCO, or Snapseed. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and colors, but avoid over-editing to keep your photos looking natural.

Are there any tips for taking photos of famous landmarks without tourists in the background?

Visiting early in the morning is the best way to avoid crowds. Also, try visiting popular spots on weekdays rather than weekends.

What’s the best way to make my photos tell a story?

Think about the message or emotion you want to convey. Capture candid moments, focus on details, and add human elements to make your photos more relatable and engaging.

How do I ensure my photos stand out on Instagram?

Use natural light, find interesting angles, keep backgrounds simple, and edit thoughtfully. Consistent use of these techniques will help your photos stand out.