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1. Upload your image.

2. Choose the desired aspect ratio, either manually or select from the dropdown menu.

3. Crop the image and download.

Tip: Hold Shift while cropping to lock the aspect ratio.

Online Image Cropper

Use this free image cropper to easily crop photos online, totally free, forever!

Crop Options
Click to automatically crop the image.

Rotate & Flip Image

Basic Image Adjustments

How to crop an image.

1. Upload your image

Simply upload the image you like to crop!

2. Crop your image

Crop your image manually or use the dropdown menu. Alternatively, click "auto crop" for automatic cropping.

3. Download your Cropped image

Simply press the download button and have fun with your cropped image.

Online Image Cropper Use this free image cropper to easily crop photos online, totally free, forever!

Simple Drag and Drop

Introducing our easy drag-and-drop image cropper. Effortlessly resize images for any project—social media, websites, and more. Simplify your editing process and achieve perfect compositions in seconds. Try it now and experience seamless image cropping.

A free online picture cropping tool

Our powerful image cropper is designed to meet your editing needs without any cost. Enjoy the freedom of unlimited access to our intuitive drag-and-drop tool, crafted to simplify your image cropping experience.

A free online picture cropping tool
Upload, crop, and download instantly.

Upload, crop, and download instantly.

Simple crop tool for quick and fast use, simply upload crop and download!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Image Cropper


Can I crop GIFs?

At the moment only still images, such as JPGs and PNGs can be cropped, but GIFs will be available in the future.

How do I use this online image cropper?

Follow these steps:

  1. Upload your image.
  2. Choose the desired aspect ratio, either manually or from the dropdown menu.
  3. Crop the image.
  4. Download the cropped image.

Are there predefined aspect ratios available?

Yes, you can choose from common ratios such as square, portrait, landscape, and specific ratios for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Additionally, there’s an option for the original aspect ratio.

How can I customize the aspect ratio?

You can customize the aspect ratio by entering specific width and height values manually in the “Custom” section.

Can I choose aspect ratios for Social Media?

Yes, the tool includes a dropdown menu with (nearly) all social media aspect rations, for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

What does the “Keep Aspect Ratio” checkbox do?

Enabling “Keep Aspect Ratio” ensures that the aspect ratio is maintained during cropping. You can uncheck it to freely adjust the aspect ratio.

How does the “Auto Crop” feature work?

Clicking “Auto Crop” automatically adjusts the cropping area based on the content of the image.

Can I rotate or flip the image?

Yes, you can rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise. There are also options to mirror the image horizontally or vertically.

How do I reset all settings?

Click the “Reset” button to revert all settings, including aspect ratio, to their default values.

What happens if I want to start over with a new image?

Click “Crop Another Image” to reset the tool, allowing you to upload and crop a new image.

Can I download the cropped image?

After cropping, click “Crop Image” to preview the result. You can then download the cropped image or continue cropping.

How do I exit or cancel the cropping process?

If you want to cancel cropping, click “Keep Cropping” to return to the main tool interface without saving the changes.

Can I crop images with transparent backgrounds?

Indeed, the image cropper supports the cropping of images with transparent backgrounds.

Does the tool compress images during the cropping process?

No, the tool maintains the original image quality and does not apply any compression during the cropping process.

Is there a maximum or minimum limit for image dimensions?

There are no set limits for image dimensions. The tool accommodates a wide range of image sizes, allowing flexibility in cropping.

Can I edit the cropped image further using other tools or software?

Certainly! Once you have cropped the image, you can further refine and enhance it using other editing tools or software of your choice.

Is the image cropper compatible with various web browsers?

Yes, the image cropper is designed to be compatible with all popular web browsers, ensuring a seamless experience across platforms, including Chrome and Firefox.

Are there keyboard shortcuts available for quicker navigation?

Absolutely, for enhanced efficiency, you can utilize keyboard shortcuts. For instance, holding the Shift key allows you to lock the aspect ratio during the cropping process.

Can I use the image cropper offline?

Yes, after loading the page initially, the image cropper functions seamlessly without requiring an internet connection, providing offline convenience.

What is the recommended image resolution for optimal results?

The image cropper accommodates any resolution, ensuring optimal results regardless of the original image’s resolution.

Are there any restrictions on the number of images I can upload simultaneously?

The image cropper processes images one at a time. Simultaneous uploading and cropping of multiple images are not supported.

How secure is the image upload process?

The image upload process is secure, as the tool operates directly within your browser. No images are uploaded to external servers, ensuring privacy and security for your content.

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