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Tips For Creating a Great Graphic Design Portfolio Website

In this post, we will give your some of the best tips for creating a great graphic design portfolio website.

As a creative professional, the quality of your design portfolio determines your success or failure. It summarizes you and your work and is the first place anyone looking to commission or hire you should look. An effective portfolio should have an easily navigable design, showcase only your best work, and include a summary of each project. 

Below are some guidelines for building a graphic design portfolio that accurately portrays you and your work. 

Show your versatility

Showing your versatility as a graphic designer is essential when creating an effective portfolio. Having a range of different designs and types of projects in your portfolio will give potential clients an idea of the kind of work you can do.

Display your best work

It is important to choose projects that demonstrate the skills you possess, but it is also essential to ensure that you are showing your best work. Take the time to review your portfolio and determine which pieces are the most impressive, then showcase your skills to their fullest potential. You can always add more over time.

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Make it clean and easy to navigate

Make sure your portfolio is simple and easy to navigate, your work should not be more than 2 or 3 clicks away. This includes having clear navigation menus that are easy to find and use, having relevant information easily accessible, and using the right fonts, colors and backgrounds to make sure everything stands out in the right way.

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How do I make my graphic design portfolio stand out?

To make your graphic design portfolio stand out, strive for a minimalistic, yet effective design. Prominently display your contact information, such as phone number, email address, and website link. 

Showcase your creativity and technical skills with striking visuals, design projects that demonstrate the full extent of your abilities, and don’t be afraid to let your unique personality shine through  

Include case studies

Adding case studies to your portfolio is a great way to demonstrate the skills you possess and show potential employers that you are capable of making an impact. Examples of case studies are those that analyze a problem and provide recommendations or solutions.

Prominently display contact information.

Credit, Morag Myerscough

Make sure to include your contact information, such as an email address or phone number, at the top of your portfolio. This will make it easier for potential clients to hire you. 

Additionally, if you have a website or other relevant social media profiles, including the links to these sites in your contact information will provide potential employers with more information about you.

Display your unique personality.

Morag Myerscough clearly has a unique way to set himself apart from the rest, his portfolio reflects that.

Your graphic design portfolio should be an expression of who you are and what you do. Adding images, videos, audio recordings, and other elements can showcase your unique style. Make it personal so clients can get a feeling for who you are.

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Choose the right platform to showcase your work.

Behance is just one of the many platforms to create a free portfolio.

Choosing the right platform to showcase your work is essential for having a successful portfolio. You could buy and create your own website, like a blog, or you could opt for a free platform such as social media or one of the other many other, often free portfolio websites, such as Behance or DeviantArt.

I use Bluehost for my website, it’s reliable and very easy to set up.

Describe the creative process.

The creative process is an individualized and unique experience that varies from person to person. Make sure you include your process and how you work in your graphic design portfolio. This will increase your credibility and demonstrate your understanding of the creative process.

Show non-client work, or side projects.

Credit Studio Feixen

Showcasing your own personal projects in your graphic design portfolio is essential for potential employers to get a better understanding of your creative process.   Non-client work and side projects provide an opportunity for employers to gain insight into the creative processes you use when conceptualizing and designing a project

We hope these tip for creating an awesome graphic design portfolio has inspired and helped you to create your own portfolio.

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